Who we are

We are people who want to be a part of God's reconciliation movement in Brunswick. 

We believe that a great way to describe what God has done and is doing in His Son, Jesus Christ, is the word reconciliation. Reconciliation is our Why.


What We Believe

We are Christians

We confess Jesus Christ as Lord and follow Him alone.

We are Bible-believing

That is, we hold to the historic creeds of the church.

We believe there is one Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

We believe in God the Father as the Creator of all things. We believe that all humans are made in the image of God. 

We believe in the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ. We believe in his sacrificial death for sinners, his resurrection the third day, and his bodily return. We believe in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit as he builds his church. 

We subscribe to the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed.

We are Reformed

This last word is a little harder to define. Here's one way to sum up what it means to be Reformed.

By Scripture alone. We trust the Bible as God's word to us. We believe what it says.

By grace alone. Our problem as humans is that we have lived in rebellion against our good and holy God. The remedy for that rebellion comes from God alone. He is the one who chooses us, calls us, rescues us, makes us alive, forgives us, adopts us, changes us, and brings us home to him. Everything we have is a gift from him.

By faith alone. The posture that God requires from us is faith. We find life and redemption not through our own efforts, but by trusting in Christ. Trust is the act of relying upon, listening to and following God.

Through Christ alone. Jesus Christ accomplished redemption for us by his death and resurrection. There is no other method, person, practice, philosophy or system by which we can be reconciled to God and one another.

To God alone be the glory. The reconciliation that God accomplishes in Christ will bring glory and honor to Him alone. No one--no person, no minister, no church or group of people--will be exalted before Him. All the praise and glory goes to God the Father, Son and Spirit, forever. 


Union City is an elder-led church. The word "elder" in the Bible is another name for "pastor." So, although there is a full-time pastor, all of the elders of Union City have the same responsibility: to shepherd this church in obedience to Jesus Christ.

  • Drew Thompson

  • Eden Gervais

  • George Alread

  • Ben Smith


We are blessed with an incredible staff team of leaders who are called to equip the people for the work of reconciliation in Brunswick and beyond.

  • Drew Thompson


  • Madhur Dey


  • Josh Littlejohn